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🎁 December Brings Sales With It's Dazzling Lights & Festivities 🛍️

🛍️ Hello Indie Publishers, hit “Publish” if you have wrestled with indecision and self-doubt and hesitated to publish your book. You will end the year with a published book. 


🛍️ But wait, make sure that that book is skillfully written and structured, flows well, and is professionally edited and designed to delight readers.


🛍️ December brings sales with dazzling lights and festivities and is your last opportunity to publish for 2024 and catch the remaining sales and marketing days.

🛍️ Definitely purchase your books and merchandise and gift them to friends and family to gain passive promotion and sales activity (and perhaps royalties).


🛍️ Don’t hesitate: Promotion and Sales are arms of publishing

authors must not neglect and should vigorously use to succeed

and be seen and heard.


🛍️Contact me for coaching with marketing tips and tricks to

help you sell your books and products throughout 2025.

🛍️ And get my new fiction book


from amazon

and enjoy a quick,

delightful literary read.

My book is perfect

for hectic schedules

and fun discussions.

See also my brand gifts from

for excellent holiday

gift gifting to friends,

collogues and family. 🎁


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