🥧 Thanksgiving gives opportunities to promote your books and here are a few tips.

🔖Share a fun one-liner for quick holiday promotion that would interest and not burden listeners when you gather at events.
🔖Give away free copies of your book/s or discount coupons.
☺️ Word-of-mouth works for authors and the holidays offer superb opportunities to carry stashes of business cards and promotional materials to give to family and friends as you meet, greet and eat.
🔖Or simply leave materials at your local library or stores in your community.
🔖Be strategic and get permission first before attempting to leave bundles of promotional materials with anyone.
Be confident and radiate positive, winsome energy about your books or business.
🔖Others will be excited about your book/s if you’re excited and you offer quality and informative, enjoyable reads.
🥧Have a Happy Thanksgiving Day and remember to get professional coaching for your publishing journey (see holiday discount coupons), and see my cookbooks for recipes. Apply holiday coaching discount coupon 🎉SMYHoliday2024Sale🎉